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Honoured that my writing has been discussed as part of a Canadian podcast

One of my absolute favourite things about being a writer is the way it connects you with people all over the world. It brings new people and experiences into your life that you would never have expected at the start of your journey. My first novel, Barefoot on Baker Street, led to the creation of my Sherlock Holmes blog which is regularly viewed in more than 60 countries (and has had views in more than 160) and had led to interactions and friendships with people from America to Iran and almost everywhere in-between.

I’ve even had fans from around the world send in photographs of themselves with their copies of Barefoot in iconic locations. And now another exciting connection has happened. A Canadian Sherlock Holmes podcast has referenced my blog on the Barefoot site about Conan Doyle and his attitudes toward race as part of their latest broadcast.

Canadian Sherlockians Mike Ranieri and Geordie Telfer set up the I Grok Sherlock podcast ‘To have conversations with other Sherlockians who share our sense of humour and sensibility toward not only the TV shows, games, tie-in products, but also the canon stories themselves.’ Their canonical knowledge and insight is very impressive, but it’s their humour and the fluid way they meander from one topic to something totally different that makes the podcasts a joy to listen to. The latest one begins by focusing on The Five Orange Pips but divulges into a discussion about Conan Doyle and his attitudes toward race. This is where they refer to my blog on the same topic and say some jolly nice things about my writing.

I love the extra detail these guys add at every possible turn, from the history of the KKK to research into unbreakable bicycle tyres (the invention which gave the Openshaw family their wealth in The Five Orange Pips.)

The section on race is very interesting. They grapple with trying to understand the opinions of the age and how they would have influenced Doyle’s writing, separating Doyle’s opinions from those being expressed by his characters and how his actions in real life contrasted with some of the notions conveyed in the canon. I do recommend having a listen. The knowledge, humour and detail squashed into each podcast is pretty impressive – and I’ll never look at a bicycle tyre the same again!

Here is the link to the latest podcast. The race discussion starts after 36 minutes but I really do recommend listening to the whole thing. Enjoy!

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